Crossroads - Gruppo Mignon

Teatro Duse (Duse Theatre)

From Thursday 7 September to Sunday10 September
Times: 10:30-12:30 / 16:00-20:00
Free entrance

Photographers: Fatima Abbadi, Berto Leonio, Nico Chiapperini, Antonio Chiorazzo, Enzo De Martino, Davide Scapin, Umberto Verdoliva.

CrossRoads wants to be a concrete proposition, and an opportunity to showcase the potential that Street Photography brings with it today. The invitation is to not abandon the easy and fast image consumption systems, but rather to try to coalesce, to bring together forces, in short, "crossroads", just like in this Mignon project where to emerge is not the work of individual photographers but Street Photography itself. It is therefore from the interweaving of individual personal qualities that emerges a greater value than the simple sum of the same.

Photography is losing its shared language value and, in the collective imagery, is becoming a kind of "visual accessory" useful only to fill virtual boxes that, instead of transmitting content and values, mortify the reasons for their existence: Images but empty of meaning and often lacking in credibility because without any final design.
In these "virtual places" what the picture was and what it represented for society is not even a matter of discussion; Without even knowing it, it is fast becoming another thing, it is no longer itself, and whoever does or speak about it does not even know what it would become. There are no cultural structures capable of identifying and enhancing the new talents present in the photographic landscape; Even the world of criticism seems more interested in self-confidence, than to animate the debate on photography constructively.
And this is just to force the young photographers to move their work on the web without the result, except in very rare cases, to fall into a media trap that is unable to value them. Cartier Bresson, not granting the view of his specimens, rightly argued that dirty cloths should be kept in the house: it was a system to safeguard his work. Today, all aspiring photographers do not "download" from social networks all that they find interesting, or worse still, whatever they have produced without applying any filtering filters. This method, which does not require a "re-vision", ends up making these virtual places look like real "dumps" of images. It is to propose an alternative to all that for twenty years we promote a real and concrete photography approach, based on the culture and history of the medium. For this reason we have always been trying to give visibility to the work of quality photographers, but they do not find adequate space for expression. CrossRoads is a photographic project built from the work of a small number of authors moving under Street Photography with quality proposals and, it seems to us, with true passion.

Project curators: Ferdinando Fasolo - Angelo Maggi - Giampaolo Romagnosi